Icelandic wood

year : 2014
素材 : 枯草、電球
material : dried grass, light bulb
size : 可変 variable

冬のアイスランドに行く前に立ち寄ったドイツで、ドイツ人から何度も聞かされたジョーク 「アイスランドの森で道に迷ったらどうするか?」「ただ立ち上がればいい!」 (寒冷なアイスランドには高い木が育たないので森がないというイメージがある)を基に作った作品。

When I stopped in Germany before going to Iceland in winter, many of Germans told me a same joke.
“What sould you do when you get lost in the Icelandic forest?” The answer is… “Just stand up!”
So I thought that I should find the huge forest in Iceland.
I collected dried plants from the fields around the place of residence and made a miniature forest in a small room. and hung down a light bulb in it. When the light was turned on, a huge illusional forest appears on the walls of the room. When you touch the electric wire of the light bulb, the shadows of the forest sways slowly.

Miyuki Kido